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How do I place an ad?

It's very easy to place an ad, simply click on the "Post" button, upper right side of our site.

What does it cost to advertise?

Posting on Kiijiji is 100% free, although we do offer a couple of posting upgrade choices that are displayed before you post, of course the choice is yours, you can place free ads or a featured ad.

If I post an ad, will I also get more spam e-mails?

Absolutely not, your email address is not visible on the site and we value our users rights to privacy. Our secure, automated system handles all messages when posting, registering an account and contacting a poster.

How long will my ad remain on the website?

In general, a listing is automatically deactivated from the website after 30 days. You will receive an email a week before D-Day and another on the day of deactivation. You have the ability to make them live online again in the following month by logging into your account. After that time, your ad will be automatically removed permanently from our Kiijiji site.

I sold my item. How do I delete my ad?

Once your product is sold or you no longer need the ad running, simply log in to your account to delete the ad.