What is Kiijiji.com

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The #1 Kijiji Alternative

Are you tired of all the advertising and the endless dealership postings on Kijiji ? 

Why Look for an Alternative to Kijiji?

Kijiji.ca has been a popular platform for buying and selling items locally, but it seems to have become to commercialized for some folks. Many users are seeking an easy, fast alternative. 


Say hello to Kiijiji.com for the best alternative to Kijiji. We offer the same wide range of categories for buying and selling, along with a user-friendly interface, simple, fast search and NO ADVERTISEMENTS! 


Kiijiji.com is currently available in over 50 Countries using a simple one page listing process without registration required.

Visitors come here for an easy, fast, efficient and safe alternative to the thousands of other classified sites out there that are cluttered with so many 3rd party advertisements that it makes it nearly impossible to navigate and quite literally amounts to nothing but a waste of your time!   

Users come here to find, browse and post free classified ads and thats all you are going to find here!

Take a look and let us know what you think!

( Kiijiji.com is not affiliated with Kijij.ca in any way )